Climate, Water, Biodiversity – new standards for your investment

Our Mission

We make biodiversity worthwhile.


Years of experience

Collaborate with an experienced team

1000+ Projects

We support the development of investments in harmony with nature and the human living environment

We have extensive consulting experience, providing services since 2007 on behalf of Polish and foreign investors implementing infrastructural, industrial and commercial investments in Poland.

Our services cover the entire project life process: planning, design, implementation and operation of investments

What makes us different?

We offer proven and creative solutions.

Why choose us?

Why should you choose Ansee Consulting and our specialists?

We start each project with a risk analysis and preparation of an action strategy. We optimize the project in terms of environmental solutions and investment risks both at the planning stage and during its implementation. We prepare it for new standards of biodiversity management, water and climate protection. For this purpose, we use modern technologies, such as satellite analysis or modeling of ecosystem phenomena and services.

Difficult topics

We undertake difficult projects and are not afraid of challenges.


High efficiency

The combination of natural, technical and legal knowledge allows us to carry out a multifaceted analysis of the project.

We carry out projects throughout Poland

We have solid and trusted regional subcontractors that we have been working with for many years.


Take a look at how we carry out environmental projects and see for yourself how effective our working methods are.


We enjoy the appreciation of over 600 clients for whom we have completed over 1000 projects.

“Zamówienie zostało wykonane należycie, zgodnie z normami wymaganymi w tej dziedzinie. Podkreslić należy bardzo dobry kontakt z zespołem zaangażowanym w realizację projektu. Mając na uwadze dotychczasowa współpracę oraz pełne zadowolenie z osiągniętego wspólnie celu, polecamy firmę Ansee Consulting {...}”

    VSB Energy Sp. z.o.o

    “Mając na uwadze jakość oraz terminowości zleconych prac, możemy polecić ansee consulting, jako fachowego i godnego zaufania partnera, podchodzącego odpowiedzialnie do podjętych działań.”

      Martifer Renewables Operation & Maintenance Sp. z o.o.

      Monitoring stanu środowiska przyrodniczego oraz nadzór przyrodniczy i środowiskowy: “Mając na uwadze satysfakcję z osiągniętego wspólnie celu, polecamy firmę Ansee Consulting jako godnego zaufania partnera w zakresie ochrony środowiska.”

        BERGER BAU POLSKA Sp. z.o.o


        We see solutions where others don’t